Objectives 2.3.1 & 2.3.2
This committee focuses on defining equity in grant eligibility and award distribution for state ASES and federal 21st CCLC programs. The group’s work builds on current and recently enacted legislation. If necessary the group will make recommendations for further legislative changes.
This committee began meeting in November 2014. Members of the group were asked to brainstorm with their local stakeholders to help develop a list of indicators to define equity. The committee developed a review process to vet each equity indicator in order to make final recommendations to the After School Division, including potential legislative changes. The committee held their last meeting on September 25, 2015 and their final recommendations are provided below.
Defining Equity Committee Recommendations – Released November 16, 2015
The report containing recommendations resulting from the work of the Defining Equity Committee is now available for review. Keep in mind that implementation of these recommendations would require changes to existing Education Code, the potential development of regulations, and/or changes in ASES and/or 21st CCLC program RFAs. If the After School Division pursues implementation of any of these recommendations there will be additional opportunities for public input.
Susie Morikawa – ASD
Allyson Harris – Shasta County Office of Education
Lisa McClung – ASD (Backup)
Julie Boesch – Maple Elementary SD
Joshua Brady – ASD
Lisa Dornback – Elk Grove USD
Lincoln Ellis – Boys & Girls Club of Stanislaus
Donna Frey – Anaheim Achieves
Julie Jarrett – Butte County Office of Education
James Hall – Lassen County Office of Education
Jennifer Lynch – City of San Rafael
Michael Nicholson – Stanislaus County Office of Education
Fred Sharp – ASD
Harry Talbot – Beyond the Bell
Johannes Troost – ASD