EXLD will work with the field to provide Technical Assistance (TA) that supports Expanded Learning programs in implementing the Quality Standards for Expanded Learning Programs (Quality Standards). EXLD will also work with the field to improve the TA allocation process and clarify the strategies and expected outcomes that both Expanded Learning programs and TA providers use to improve program quality.
Initial Implementation Activities
- Defining Quality Standards is the first objective under System of Support (Objective 1.1.1). A subcommittee of the California Afterschool Network undertook this work beginning in fall 2012. Twelve Quality Standards as well as Standards in Action descriptors for each standard were finalized and released in September 2014. A crosswalk between some of the current quality assessment tools and the newly adopted standards has also been developed to help support Expanded Learning programs in conducting quality continuous improvement processes using the quality standards. This document was also released in September 2014.
- The TRIADS/TAPP (Technical Assistance Priority Plan) system was established and continues to evolve as ASD staff work with the Regional Leads to provide targeted TA to those sites that are most at risk of losing funding due to low attendance or audit findings. (Objective 1.1.4)
SB 1221 Impact
With the passage of SB 1221, Education Code section 8484 (a)(2) now reads:
Programs shall submit evidence of a data-driven program quality improvement process that is based on the department’s guidance on program quality standards developed pursuant to paragraph 3.
Implementation of this component of SB 1221 overlaps with the System of Support initiative. The Expanded Learning Division (EXLD) has prepared guidance, forms and other resources to support the field in completing this process. This information was presented publicly for the first time at the BOOST 2015 conference. In early May 2015 EXLD released materials for the quality improvement process including a guidance document, an instructional webinar and template forms grantees will fill out detailing their quality improvement plan. These plans will be due to EXLD in late summer/early fall of 2015. In fall 2015 programs are expected to begin the quality improvement process. Technical Assistance (including regional workshops) will be available for grantees. By fall of 2016 quality improvement plans will be added to the Federal Program Monitoring (FPM) instrument and process.