Objectives 2.1.1 & 2.1.2

This committee will develop and disseminate clear policy guidance that support quality programs. Guidance will identify regulatory sources and corresponding levels of program accountability. The committee will develop and implement a timely and collaborative process for reviewing, revising, and notifying the field of new and existing policy guidance.

The committee began meeting in September 2014, where they reviewed statutory requirements of policy making related to their work, discussed a process for reviewing policy and began analyzing the impact of SB1221 on the work of the committee. Additionally, the committee has begun to discuss policy issues related to Fiscal Agent Change, Early Release Policy and Use of Fiscal Year or Calendar Year for grant reductions.

Iqbal Badwalz – EXLD
Kelly Faustino – EXLD
Mike Snell – California Teaching Fellows Foundation

Team Members
Barbara Bell – EXLD
Brian Lee – Fight Crime, Invest in Kids
Danielle Jones – Stanislaus County Office of Education
Daymon Beach – San Diego County Office of Education
 Erin Sipes – Elk Grove Unified School District
Fred Sharp – EXLD
George Hernandez – EduCare Foundation
Harry Talbot – Los Angeles Unified School District
Josh Brady – EXLD
Katherine Sullivan – West Contra Costa
Lori Salters – Siskiyou County Office of Education
Mele Lau-Smith – San Francisco Unified School District
Michelle Perrenoud – Los Angeles County Office of Education
Nora Zamora – Alameda County Office of Education
Tiina Rosselle – Boys and Girls Club of San Leandro