Initiative Purpose: Communicate with the field in a clear, timely, and transparent manner.
Goal 3.1: EXLD communicates information in a clear and timely manner using a variety of media. (EXLD Led with Field Input)
To initiate work toward this goal, EXLD will create a communication plan that specifies the desired audiences and communication systems and strategies (for example, website, email, newsletter, etc.) for reaching each audience. Based on this plan, EXLD will build and put into action a communication calendar that will serve as a valuable tool to plan and circulate clear and timely messages to the field.
As the communication framework and calendar take shape, it will be important for EXLD to develop strong capacities in the specified communication systems. The EXLD website will function as a key communication channel, and in working to achieve this goal EXLD will lead a process to enhance its website to best serve the field.
To customize information sent to individuals, EXLD will build and launch a listserv and corresponding subscription tool that enables subscribers to select the types of information they would like to receive.
Objective 3.1.1: Create a communication plan (standards, tactics, and various media sources as determined by messenger and respective audience).
Objective 3.1.2: Create an internal annual communication calendar.
Objective 3.1.3: Expand and modify the EXLD webpage to effectively communicate information to the field.
Goal 3.2: EXLD develops and implements a system for fielding questions from, and providing high quality consistent responses to, the field. (EXLD Led with Field Input)
EXLD will work closely with the field to develop a system for prioritizing field inquiries and corresponding response times. Field input will help identify reasonable turnaround times for issuing responses. This work will improve consistency in
EXLD responses by establishing a process for vetting responses before communicating them to the field.
Objective 3.2.1: EXLD identifies and prioritizes the types of inquiries received from the field.
Objective 3.2.2: Develop and implement procedures and protocol to address field inquiries.
Goal 3.3: EXLD develops and implements an inclusive system for collecting stakeholder feedback and input to inform EXLD decisions. (Co-Led)
To best serve the field,
EXLD will need a clear understanding of field assets, desires, and needs. While goals 3.1 and 3.2 focus on
EXLD’s communication to the field, this goal calls for proactive collection of input and guidance from the field. Working with field representatives,
EXLD will assess its current activities for gathering field input to inform the development and implementation of an enhanced system that provides the field with additional input opportunities. As part of designing this system,
EXLD and field collaborators will specify processes to ensure field input is compiled, analyzed, and circulated within
EXLD to inform internal decisions.
Objective 3.3.1: EXLD will identify and assess the existing system it utilizes for collecting stakeholder feedback.
Objective 3.3.2: EXLD utilizes various modalities, including technology, to increase field access to opportunities for providing EXLD with feedback and input.