Objectives 1.1.4

This work group will revise the Technical Assistance Priority Plan (TAPP) and develop a system whereby this work is in compliance with Education Code section 8483.7 (a)(I)(i), and provides quality TA to the field by Regional Triads. Regional Triads consist of the Regional Lead and ASD staff (Education Programs Consultant and Analyst) assigned to work as a team to support and monitor Expanded Learning programs in their specific region.

The TAPP Work Group began meeting in August 2014. The group has been brainstorming the use of the TAPP Form. Currently some of the regions are piloting the TAPP Form via Adobe online and providing feedback to make the form user friendly for the Triads. This is currently a work in progress.

In addition, the work group has created a draft “Program Improvement Plan” to be in compliance with Education Code sections 8483.7 (a)(I)(i) that states the department shall provide technical support for development of a program improvement plan for grantees under the following conditions: If actual pupil attendance falls below 75 percent of the target attendance level in any year of the grant. The group is currently discussing if the “Program Improvement Plan” is needed now that SB 1221 passed and all grantees are required to go through a Quality Improvement Process. 

Josh Brady – ASD
Dieogo Arancibia – ASAPconnect

 Team Members
Yvonne Evans – ASD
Monica Gonzales-Williams – Regional Lead
Melissa Rice – ASD
Nora Reed – ASD
Julie Sesser – Regional Lead