The California Expanded Learning strategic planning process brought together Expanded Learning practitioners, K-12 education representatives, after school technical assistance providers, regional technical assistance leads (“Regional Leads”), intermediary and nonprofit organizations, and California Department of Education Expanded Learning Division (EXLD) staff to craft a plan that is both rooted in field experience and knowledge and vetted by the EXLD for feasibility and alignment with state-level priorities. This core approach, emphasizing strong field engagement, resulted in an innovative planning process that provided a forum for deep discussion and understanding of the EXLD’s challenges, opportunities, and roles as well as the best ways for EXLD and the field to support each other.
To launch the strategic planning process, EXLD conducted a Discovery Phase consisting of research and field engagement that rapidly gathered core information about the current Expanded Learning landscape in California. The EXLD then formed a 16-member Design Team to analyze these data and recommend the ASD’s vision, purpose, core values, strategic initiatives, and goals. The results of the Design Team’s work are reflected in the team’s final product, the ASD Statement of Strategic Direction (SSD). Using the SSD as a foundation, the EXLD then formed an 80-member Strategic Implementation Team (SIT) to engage in detailed planning work. The SIT was subdivided into four smaller Initiative Teams, each primarily focused on planning for one of the initiatives identified by the SSD. Each Initiative Team crafted objectives, activities, and indicators of success.
Their work – both the high-level strategic road map they charted, as well as the specific implementation pathways they developed together, is summarized in:
A Vision for Expanded Learning in California, Strategic Plan: 2014-2016
As implementation of this plan builds momentum EXLD will continue to integrally involve the field. This will not only ensure that ASD’s work is aligned with field needs, assets, and opportunities – it will be essential to achieve the ambitious work outlined in this plan and ultimately to realize the vast potential of our state’s investment in Expanded Learning.
Strategic Planning Update – April 2016
Check out our most recent update on implementation activities for the strategic plan. This update includes implementation highlights including:
- CQI Implementation
- Creation of the System of Support for Expanded Learning (SSEL)
- 21st CCLC RFA
- Equity Recommendations
- AB 2615
- Expanding Student Success Campaign
Strategic Planning Update – April 2015
We have released an update of the strategic plan. This update includes:
- An overall update, including timeline
- Individual initiative updates, including specific teams/group updates
- Reference Documents
Reaching a Vision of Expanded Learning in California
Summary Brief: Creating the CDE After School Division Strategic Plan
The After School Division and the Glen Price Group developed a Summary Brief that discusses the strategic planning process and it’s results/implications. The Summary Brief includes:
- History and Context for the Strategic Planning;
- The Planning Process Methodology;
- Results; and
- Key Learnings.
The ongoing collaboration between the California Department of Education After School Division (ASD), program practitioners, support providers, and K-12 educators has been vital throughout the strategic planning process, including current plan implementation. We would like to thank everyone involved for their ongoing support and commitment to this process. These efforts will help more and more of our students enjoy and benefit from participating in high quality Expanded Learning opportunities in the coming years.
This work has been supported by ongoing generous Funding Support from:
David and Lucile Packard Foundation
S.D. Bechtel, Jr. Foundation