Grant Award Processes Focus Groups (ASD-Led)
Objective 2.3.3
The focus groups were comprised of representatives from the Expanded Learning community: LEAs, CBOs, and Regional Leads from Northern, Central and Southern California including urban and rural locations. The focus groups provided input on their experiences with the grant award process for Expanded Learning programs. Topics for their discussions included information disseminated by ASD regarding available funding, the application process, award notification, and improvement of the grant process.
Three different focus groups were held over the course of two days (Sept 29 – 30, 2014). ASD compiled the feedback from these focus groups, as well as the federal 21st CCLC Cohort 9 debrief and Readers’ Conference evaluations, to inform changes to ASES and 21st CCLC grant processes. Potential changes include improved notification of RFA releases to charter schools, submission of program plans for ASES grants, and improvement of the grant award notifications (posting more information concerning cutoff percentages and score breakdowns).
Along with the focus groups, a survey was sent out to all grantees regarding the use of currently available Free and Reduced Price Meals (FRPM) data for ASES Universal grant determination. Based on those results, the current ASES Universal RFA will be using currently available FRPM data and not waiting for the 2014-15 data to be released in the spring.
It is expected that additional focus groups and/or surveys will occur regularly to provide feedback on both the ASES and 21st CCLC grant processes
Anissa Sonnenburg – ASD
Iqbal Badwalz – ASD Backup
Andrea Shumate – ASD
Paul Simpson-Jones – ASD
Approximately 25 individuals from the field participated in 3 different focus groups.