Initiative Purpose: Develop and maintain clearly defined guidelines, program requirements, and processes supporting efficient program administration.
Goal 2.1: EXLD develops, implements, and maintains clear policies that support quality programs. (Co- Led)
As a central component of the Grant Administration and Policy initiative,
EXLD will collaborate with field representatives, regional leads, and federal contacts to develop a comprehensive Policy Guide.
EXLD will publish and maintain this guide to provide the field with up-to-date information on policies and guidelines that are relevant to their work.
The process of compiling the first edition of the Policy Guide will provide an opportunity to identify policies that are unclear, outdated, or otherwise in need of revision. Using these policies as a starting point,
EXLD will initiate an ongoing process of policy revision and improvement, working closely with the field by gathering field input, collaborating with field representatives to revise and create new policies, and actively communicating policy changes to the field.
Objective 2.1.1: Develop, disseminate, and maintain a Policy Guide of current state ASES and federal 21st CCLC Expanded Learning program policies that includes the regulatory source and corresponding levels of program accountability.
Objective 2.1.2: Develop and implement a timely and collaborative process for reviewing, revising, and notifying the field of new and existing policies.
Goal 2.2: EXLD develops, implements, and maintains clear and consistent internal operational procedures.
(ASD Led with Field Input)
EXLD is currently working on this goal, outside of, but complementary to the Strategic Implementation Team planning process. ASD will review and improve internal grant making procedures, grant data collection processes, data systems, and program evaluation capacity in consultation with the field.
Goal 2.3: EXLD ensures timely, efficient, and equitable grant award processes that support quality programs. (EXLD Led with Field Input)
As core responsibilities, the EXLD manages the grant processes for both California’s ASES and the federally funded 21st CCLC grant programs. EXLD will continually assess and refine these grant processes. In particular, process improvements will focus on equity and efficiency.
Objective 2.3.1: Define equity in grant eligibility and award distribution for state ASES and federal 21st CCLC programs.
Objective 2.3.2: Develop and implement a collaborative process for review and gather feedback on state (ASES) and federal (21st CCLC) equitable funding distribution processes.
Objective 2.3.3: Ensure timely and efficient state (ASES) and federal (21st CCLC) grant award processes.